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Trueomega-3 - Pure and Potent Fish Oil, 60 Softgels

Trueomega-3 - Pure and Potent Fish Oil, 60 Softgels

Regular price $28.73 USD
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Pure and Potent Fish Oil – with up to 6.0x Better Omega-3 Absorption

If you ask your doctor to name just one supplement you should take…chances are he or she will say a fish oil rich in the omega-3s EPA and DHA. In fact, the two most important organs in your body…your heart and brain… simply can’t function normally when you are deficient in these two omega-3s. And studies have shown that EPA and DHA help most other parts of your body such as your vision, joint health, bone density, weight management, skin and your hair.

Each serving of TrueOmega-3™ provides 975mg of EPA and DHA in two easy-to-swallow soft gels. Since you likely get around 50mg to 100mg of EPA and DHA daily from food, TrueOmega-3™ helps you reach the 975mg level typically consumed by heart healthy cultures such as the Japanese. In addition, the fish oil is 100% sourced from Wild Alaska Pollock (cod family) from the Alaska’s cold, clear Bering Sea, considered one of the best-managed and sustainable fisheries in the world. After the fish oil is extracted, it goes through a molecular distillation filtration to remove PCBs, dioxins, chlorinated pollutants, and toxic heavy metals. This ensures the fish oil exceeds industry standards of purity. Finally, the fish oil in TrueOmega-3™ is considered "top-notch" in freshness because of extremely low Total Oxidation and Peroxide Value values. In addition to protecting against oxidation risk, these industry leading values produce a fish oil with high sensory characteristics (deodorized, no burping). Plus, the fish oil, from harvesting in Alaska to refining in Ohio, is 100% “Made in the USA”.

  • Sustainable Fish Oil from Leader in Purity and Freshness: AlaskOmega® fish oil comes from Wild Alaska Pollock (codfish family) caught in Alaska’s cold, clear Bering Sea. The Alaska Pollock fishery is considered one of the best managed fisheries in the world as the annual catch is 50% below overfishing levels, making it a very sustainable source of omega-3s. Also important, the AlaskOmega® fish oil is an upcycled product – after the fish is fileted for human food consumption, the oil is extracted from the remaining trimmings. No fish are being caught solely for use in fish oil supplements, AlaskOmega® is making use of the scraps so the entire fish gets used. The AlaskOmega® fish oil is purified using a multistep filtration process developed over 30 years to remove toxic heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, and other pollutants. The resulting purity level is far beyond acceptable fish oil industry standards. In addition, AlaskOmega® is the market leader in freshness, which matters because when omega-3s are oxidized, it degrades their nutritional value as the oil becomes rancid. AlaskOmega® has a very low risk of oxidation as demonstrated by TOTOX (Total Oxidation Value), which measures future oxidation potential. The industry standard is a max of 26, but AlaskOmega® has a value under 5, far better than other fish oils.
  • Up to 6.0x Greater EPA and DHA Absorption and Bioavailability: Choosing the best fish oil for sustainability, purity and potency is a good start – but AquaCelle® is what takes TrueOmega-3 to a new level. Since our digestive system is water-based, and oil and water don’t mix, our bodies must do extra work to absorb the EPA and DHA omega-3s from fish oil. This process is called emulsification. TrueOmega-3 includes the advanced AquaCelle® delivery system that does this emulsification for you. So when you take TrueOmega-3, the fish oil is more ready to be absorbed through your intestines and transported to your blood stream. Prior to AquaCelle®, you’d be advised to take your fish oil supplement after eating a fatty meal (when your body is in digestion mode) to help increase absorption and bioavailability of the EPA and DHA – and it still would be well below what can be achieved with AquaCelle®. In fact, the combination of AlaskOmega® fish oil and AquaCelle® increased the absorption and bioavailability of the EPA and DHA by 6.0x, on average (compared to taking AlaskOmega® by itself). This was on an empty stomach. Each serving of TrueOmega-3 contains 910mg of EPA and DHA combined. With AquaCelle®, many more of these omega-3 fatty acids can reach your bloodstream and be put to work to support healthy aging.
  • No Fishy Burps or Repeating: The #1 complaint consumers have with taking fish oil supplements is fishy burps that can leave a fishy taste in the mouth and/or cause repeating. This often occurs when the digestive system doesn’t adequately emulsify the fish oil (prepare it to be absorbed), or when the fish oil isn’t “fresh” and may have been partially oxidized. Thanks to AlaskOmega-3® and AquaCelle® this is not a concern when you take TrueOmega-3. The AlaskOmega® fish oil is the market leader in freshness thanks to its multi-step purification process. This helps ensure the fish oil doesn’t oxidize (which destroys the nutritional value of the omega-3s), and also makes it unlikely that you’ll experience unwanted burping and repeating. On top of this, an added benefit of the AquaCelle emulsification system - in addition to enhanced EPA and DHA absorption - is it virtually eliminates fish burps and repeating. This has been observed in research with AquaCelle®.
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